Cordell Police Department fully staffed after long vacancies

  • National Police Week - May 15-20, 2023
    National Police Week - May 15-20, 2023

Cordell Police Chief Dustin Denney is pleased with the recent progress and improvements within the Cordell Police Department (CPD).

CPD is now fully staffed with five full time officers: Dustin Denney, Trevor Stewart, Sergeant Corey Armfield, Marty Miller, and Duell Newberry, as well as three reserve officers: Kyle Gatlin, Russell Stewart, and Curtis Weatherly.

Finding small-town officers has historically proven to be difficult.

CPD Officers have recently attended classes and training to better prepare them for dangerous situations and investigations to better serve the community.

Along with staff improvements, there are overall department improvements happening with the repairs to the CPD building interior and exterior.

This week, May 15-20, is recognized as National Police Week. It offers honor, remembrance, and peer support, while allowing law enforcement, survivors, and citizens to gather and pay homage to those who gave their lives in the line of duty. Thank a local police officer for their dedication, service, and sacrifice.