
IS God dead? Just a Mind Game?

The Bible skeptic Michael, that we have been engaged with for many weeks, asks a very important question: “Isn’t all religion just a mind game?” After all, it was the German philosopher Karl Marx who famously said; “Religion is the opium of the people. It is the sign of the oppressed creature, the heart of the heartless world, and the soul of the soulless condition.” No doubt, critics of religion have long argued that it is a mind game we play with ourselves to soothe a fearful soul in a hostile world. Survival of the fittest surely selects for those who have the best coping mechanisms, right? No doubt, as soon as prehistoric men evolved enough to realize that everyone dies, his mind then evolved to find a resolution. Just so happened, religion fit the bill. Darwin himself considered there to be “an evolutionary derivation of mind and morality” as a product of natural selection. In other words, Darwin thought belief in God to be just a mind game as well. Very well then, let us begin once again from the common ground of modern science (twenty-first century science, that is).

Letter to the Editor

As we approach another board meeting of the Cordell School System, we continue to see a total lack of leadership by Mr. Victory. Mr. Victory continues to have the complete support of the board members who voted to rehire him for another year. In my opinion, the Cordell HS Graduation Exercises were a total disaster and a slap in the face to the graduating seniors. In the slide show presentation a Valedictorian and the Salutatorian were left out. Several of the senior’s names were mispronounced. What an insult! The Valedictorian’s and Saltuatorian’s names were mentioned and received a scholarship. Congratulations to these four graduates. Other members of the senior class received scholarships but were not mentioned or honored. Congratulations to all the members of the graduating 2024 class. We wish you luck and many successes in your next adventure. The board members were seated behind the Superintendent, Principal and counselor. The new board members were on the far right of the three veteran board members. The new board members were barely visible to about half of the audience as they were hidden by the podium and the stage curtains. We will hear about more staff and students leaving Cordell Public Schools tonight. When is the separation of the school system and exodus of teachers and students going to stop? IT WILL ONLY STOP WHEN MR. VICTORY IS NO LONGER A PART OF THE SCHOOL SYSTEM. Mr. Victory is in a leadership position, not a dictatorship position. A true leader doesn’t create separation. A true leader brings people together. Mr. Victory must think leadership means sharing our assets (teachers and students) with the surrounding communities and hiring new personnel whom he thinks will be loyal to him. There is a school board meeting tonight, May 15th at 6:00 p.m. We need as many concerned citizens as possible to attend the meeting. The objective is getting a majority of the board to understand the school going in the wrong direction is far from over!

IS God dead? Tornados and Junkyards

Evolution cannot explain biological complexity without violating some very basic laws of nature, specifically, The Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you recall, we mentioned The Second Law of Thermodynamics a few weeks ago to help us establish that the stars have a limited fuel supply and that eventually all the stars will run out of fuel leaving the universe very dark and very cold. Since the stars have not run out of fuel, the universe must have had a beginning which suggests a Beginner. However, another aspect of The Second Law of Thermodynamics is that all systems naturally tend toward disorder. Scientists call this entropy, but everyone knows that the house tends toward messy rather than clean, the lawn tends toward looking ragged rather than fresh mown. All systems tend toward disorder. Have you ever seen an orderly abandoned house?

IS God dead? The Eyes Have It

Darwinian evolution says that complex systems arise through numerous successive, slight modifications over many generations that are beneficial for survival of the species. But we have shown that bacterial flagellum is a highly complex system that could not have been the product of numerous slight modifications over a great period of time because the flagellum system is a complete packaged unit. It shows both design and complexity, two things that evolution cannot explain.

IS God dead? Irreducible Complexity

William Paley was an 18th – century English clergyman, Christian apologist, and philosopher. He is best known for his design argument for the existence of God. Paley suggested that if a person were walking through the forest and came upon a rock, it would gain no special attention because it is something that is naturally expected, and fully at home in the forest. However, if a person walking in the forest came upon a watch, it would be known by instinct that the watch was not part of the forest, and stood at odds with the surrounding environment. But more than that, where the rock is a naturally occurring object, the watch is an object with an intricate and purposeful design. In other words, a highly designed watch indicates a Watchmaker. But there are those that say no, the apparent design observed in nature is the result of millions of years of random trial and error. If you roll the dice enough times, so it is thought, anything can happen . . . even a fine-tuned universe. But cosmology is not the only place we see fine-tuning. We see many examples of fine tuning in biological systems as well. Where fine tuning arguments for the existence of God from design in the cosmos are called Teleological Arguments, arguments for the existence of God based upon the fine-tuning observed in biological systems, including man, are generally called Design Arguments.

Letter to the Editor

Editor’s Note: I have recently received several letters that were submitted anonymously. It is against our policy to publish a letter to the Editor where the author’s name is not given. If you would like to see your letter printed, please include your name.

IS God dead? Teleology’s True Tale TWO

We have made the statement over the last several weeks that if we are to engage the Bible skeptics of the world in a discussion about the being and nature of God, then one place we can find common ground from which to have that conversation is by looking at the world around us. We had said if you want to know about the nature of an artist, then you need to look at their paintings. So, we began last week to study how the First Cause made “the things that have been made,” in order to gain insight into the nature of the First Cause. Since all created things are made up of atoms, a great example of fine-tuning in the universe can be seen in what are called the four primary force constants; the strong nuclear force constant, the weak nuclear force constant, the gravitational force constant, and the electromagnetic force constant. This week we continue our inquiry starting with the weak nuclear force constant.

Financial Focus

You’ve probably heard stories about fortunate investors who “get in the ground floor” of a new, hot company and quickly make a fortune. But while these things may happen, they are exceedingly rare and often depend on hard-to-duplicate circumstances — and they really don’t represent a viable way of investing for one’s goals. A far more triedand- true approach is the “slow-and-steady” method.

IS God dead? Teleology’s True Tale

Over the last few weeks, we concluded that based upon scientific observation and evidence from the cosmos, and evidence that there was a First Cause that caused the universe to begin to exist. From there we were able to make some general conclusion about the nature of this First Cause. Based upon the preliminary evidence we offered a summary stating “there exists an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe, who in relation to the universe is beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless, and enormously powerful.” However, rather than answer our question about the existence of God, these attributes of the First Cause that we deduced from the evidence just seem to generate more questions. Questions such as; “If a Supreme Being possessed these attributes, why would He choose to create a universe? What could be His purpose? What could He have had in mind for planet Earth? Since the act of creation was an act of the First Cause’s will, then maybe we can get a better idea of the First Cause’s purpose for creating by our looking at how He created . . . exactly. What I mean is this: by looking at how things are made can give us great insight into the One who made them.


Cordell Park was buzzing with excitement this past Saturday as the community gathered for a day filled with fun and festivities at the annual Eggstravaganza event. Hosted by the Cordell Chamber of Commerce, the event saw an incredible turnout, drawing people of all ages to join in the celebration.