
2022 National FFA Week Salutes!

Burns Flat-Dill City FFA Chapter Officers Back row: Colin Walters (Sentinel), Luke Schneberger (President), Trevor Teague (Vice President) Front row: Evan Donaldson (Secretary), Jolene Thompson (Treasurer), Evely Veloz (Reporter) Canute FFA Chapter Officers Front Center-Jake Estes Middle-Rook Walker, Jacey Conner, Meliah Sutton Back-Tiger Gilliespie, Colt Randall, Mr. Jeff Conner Cordell FFA Chapter Officers Keegan Holt (Secretary) Aubbri Johnston (Vice President) Cheyann Edison (Reporter) Carlie Banks (Treasurer) Mckenna Wedel (President) Thomas Reimer (Sentinel) Sentinel FFA Chapter Officers Jacob Baker (President) Blade Baldonado (Vice President) Luke Rozell (Secretary) Hunter Brashears (Treasurer) Karlee Callahan (Reporter) Sentinel FFA members not pictured: Bradyn Green, Carson Hogue, Reymundo Perales, David Acuna, Reed Shields, Mckinsey Gilbert, Colton Horn, Ryder Callahan, Juan Leyva, Zada Baker, Teague Farris, Drew Smith.


Future Farmers of America (FFA) is much more than an elective interest in school. It is a source to be applied to one’s life that will benefit and provide one with the necessary knowledge and experience to not only be successful but to thrive independently.

OSU fraternity gives special needs kids a chance to show

As part of their ongoing commitment to agriculture and their surrounding community, the Men of the Pi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) Fraternity at Oklahoma State University (OSU) are once again sponsoring the “Heart of a Champion” livestock show for special needs students during their annual Winter Bonanza Expo Livestock Show in Stillwater, Oklahoma, December 3rd through the 5th.

Fertilizer prices continue record climb

High commodity prices continue to present opportunities for profits despite soaring fertilizer prices, said AgriLife Extension grain Market Economist Mark Welch, Bryan-College Station Producers may feel sticker shock when pricing nitrogen fertilizer, he said, but higher prices for crops like wheat and corn put those input costs in perspective.